PANAMA 2024 is now sold out. There are no gate sales, and there is no waitlist for tickets. No further ticket releases will occur.

We do have the occasional refund. If these occur - resold tickets will be available for purchase here.

PANAMA has a very small capacity and we’re aware that many more people would like to attend than can. Our ballot system is our best attempt at a fair approach.

To be kept in the loop about PANAMA 2025 Join our mailing list.

mob tickets

We’ve allocated a percentage of guest tickets for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to attend PANAMA free of charge. The 2024 Allocation of Mob Tickets has been exhausted. If you have applied, you will hear from the event shortly.

Ticketing Information

Day passes are not available for PANAMA.

Please bring your ID.

Each individual ticket has a unique barcode, so make sure that you do not give a copy of the same ticket to more than one person.

It is essential to bring either a paper or digital copy of each individual ticket (note - phone reception is not reliable on the event site, so you will need to have a copy of your ticket downloaded and saved to your device beforehand).

Companion Cards

We are a Companion Card Participating event. If you hold a valid companion card, this will allow entry to one ticket free of charge in addition to your paid ticket. Please email boxoffice@panamafestival.com.au with details so we can get your companion on our gate list. 


If you are unwell with gastro (vomiting and/or diarrhea) or have flu symptoms, you must not attend PANAMA. Refunds are available in this instance. Refunds are available up until 4 pm, on Thursday, March 7th.

Refunds are also available if you change your mind or can no longer attend. The deadline for refunds in this instance is Monday, March 4th. 

To request a refund please email boxoffice@panamafestival.com.au

This means there is no need for anyone to on-sell tickets. We strongly discourage buying tickets from strangers. The only legitimate way to secure a ticket to PANAMA is via our ticketing partner.

Beware of fraud

Please be very aware of scams. There are way more scammers out there than legitimate sellers. 

In short, we offer refunds, so nobody should be selling a ticket unless they are:

a)  a scammer. i.e selling a ticket that does not exist or selling multiple instances of the same ticket. or

b) trying to profit unfairly.

If you have any ticketing inquiries that are not covered in our essential info section, please email; boxoffice@panamafestival.com.au